Polypropylene Construction:
Battery acid, formic acid, ammonia, formic acid, boric acid, brake fluid, calcium chloride, acetic acid, ferric chloride, photo developers, glycol, mineral oil, sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid to 60 %, tartaric acid, Zinc chloride, citric acid
ETFE Construction:
Bromoacid, butylamine, chloroform, diethyl amine, ethyl acetate, essential oils, ethylene oxide, hydrofluoric acid to 40 %, aqua regia, nicotinic acid, nitrating acid to 70 %, petroleum ether, nitric acid (diluted), nitric acid (concentrated) sulfuric acid to 98 %, tetrahydrofuran, hydrogen peroxide
Stainless Steel Construction:
Acetone, butanol, ethyl, acetate, ethyl alcohol, freon / freon, glycerin, hexanol, isopropyl ether, linseed oil, methanol, methylene chloride, methoxybutanol, mineral oil, Perchlorethylene, petroleum, styrene, trichlorethylene